2004-2012 Neon

The Neon Series is a compilation of eight years of neon photographs. A small set but important. It reiterates layers and reflections, but most importantly it’s captured light.

For as long as I can remember I have been attracted to neon. Earliest memories of mega malls and carnivals. The smell and sound of neon lights. More formative experiences.

New York City brings the experience to the extreme. Having lived near Times Square for so many years, I sometimes feel a little baked by the neon. It’s everywhere.

Walks through Chinatown provide a similar burn. Neon in every window. It draws me like a moth. So I have shot many pieces over the years.

These are my best. The first image a gorgeous entrance to a Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood. A Psychic window with King Tut head and unintentional self-portrait. Neon from the back.

Sometimes the pictures show all the armatures that are required to hold up these delicate glass beauties. All the layers of light and decay. The dust and dirt all nicely layered like the photographs.

In the past couple of years I have reduced the amount of photographs I take. I mostly carry my iPhone and abhor it’s camera. Sure I use it, but I don’t love the work it produces.

I need a new camera, but in the meantime I need to get back to shooting with the old point and shoot. Which reminds me, I need to get a shot of that neon sign of a toothbrush with swirled toothpaste.

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