2004 Street Paint

Second up in the Street Paint series sees several unexpected revelations. I thought from the beginning that the paper posts would outnumber the paint. Mainly due to my personal fondness for paper over paint. But this set blows that notion wide open.

Once again the post is a mixture of ideas. Old style graffiti meets tagging meets insane Sharpie scrawls. Even hastily laid pedestrian signs take on new context with splattery edges. The pedestrian signs take on new meaning because they were found on the West Side Highway. A notorious ground for splattered pedestrians.

For a few days I have been avoiding writing these posts. I worried that the posting of flowers, fireworks and graffiti might dilute the site. Today all that is behind me. This is a lexicon of imagery. It’s the research that makes the things I make.

Now onto the imagery. Once again first for Faile. It reveals the ephemeral nature of street art. Tired of the Michael Jackson imagery they have replaced it with a German shepherd stencil. Reminding everyone of the police state vibe.

Then comes the political commentary. Kerry did suck. And what are those strange cover ups of the writing on the door? Little tree of lifes to cover each letter. Stop Terror is a mind fuck. Is it intentionally funny or just obvious and racist? More importantly is it even a language? It could be Klingon for all I know.

The whole set is peppered with traditional graffiti. Sometimes I love it. Most of the time I am saddened at how nostalgic it is no matter how new or fresh the style may be. It’s missing those irritating break dancers and a bro douche scratching the turntables to complete the full cliché.

I love the memories of shooting it though. Being at 5 Points and taking in the majesty or going on top of that gorgeous roof for parties.

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