2006-2012 Reflections 2

The second set in the Reflections Series sees lots of broken glass and the distortion of curved car windows. Broken or distorted reflections is the theme with a few added portraits and self-portraits.

It’s apparent that the fractal geometry of broken glass is my draw. But also the added fix of glue and tape residue are a consistent theme. The grit build up also repeating themes of decay.

Really there is no difference in any of these sets. The repeating motifs weave through all the pieces reveal my interests and show that all the containers really are arbitrary. Curatorial conceits of the blog format.

I remember my favorite piece at a Charles Ray exhibition consisted of a black box that appeared to be just a solid form. Until you noticed the dust settling on top of the box. Then you realized that the box was actually full of black printer’s ink. The dust moving like tiny sailboats across the surface in currents of air conditioning.

It was the flaw that clued you into the reality. It let you in on the secret.

Just like the photo of the trash cans. Are those four trash cans? You wouldn’t know if the crack didn’t alter the understanding of the picture.

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