2009 DVR Glitch

Two photos comprise the DVR Glitch set from 2009. Just the very best of that year. Once again beauty and horror.

Ernesto and I tried to see if the first image was a major event. But the file creation date didn’t correspond with any major news event. Whatever it was is lost in smeared car lights.

The second image is from My Bloody Valentine 3D. Of course I would have to make a My Bloody Valentine reference. Except it is now appended with 3D.

Sounds like a great name for a vaporware band with a touch of Duran Duran Duran. Although you would have much larger shoes to fill with My Bloody Valentine 3D.

Still though, you could rip off My Bloody Valentine similarly to the original Duran Duran’s take on Japan and laugh all the way to the bank. In this age of banal pop, the counterfeit is more valuable than the original.

One thing I love about all these photo posts is that it’s bringing back the photo editor in me. I cut and re-cut each set. Crop and color correct then resize and build the gallery. Then I recut to the very best.

It allows me to flex my editing muscles. Which is a handy skill set to have when creating anything. Editing is as important as any other process in the act of creation.

As an artist if you can’t properly edit your work or work process, you can’t see what you are doing well. You also don’t have one of the fundamental skills to fix problems when things aren’t going right.

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