2012 DVR Glitch

DVR Glitch 2012 sees just nine images. Over the past couple of years my photography output has decreased. Mostly due to getting this website up and running, among many other projects. When it’s not beauty and horror, it’s ebb and flow.

This is easily the most cohesive set in this series. Three images repeated. That gorgeous Tyra Banks from America’s Next Top Model. A shot from Survivor. And more abstract moiré. The colors of the individual pieces balancing nicely.

The Tyra Banks was worth the wait. It’s exquisite. On par with the Joan Rivers. Easily one of finest shots I have ever taken, which is pretty strong praise.

It’s excellence is the reason we used it for our future garage mix entitled January 31, 2013. Sadly this mix has really under performed. It happens occasionally but the deafening wall of cricket sounds was appalling. And then I see what people are listening to on Facebook and it becomes painfully clear why people aren’t listening.

One thing I should mention is that these few pieces I show come from a larger series of shots. In the case of the Tyra or the Joan, I am talking about a hundred or so shots in my photo library of each. As a good photo editor I cull these massive sets into the distilled gist you get here.

The whole process has been a lot of work. Between creating new pieces I have edited my entire photo library to the very best shots. In tight thematic sets like this one. Then I Photoshop each image and build the post.

I hope that if I build up enough posts I can use them between the art I am currently trying to create. Speaking of, I should stop rambling right now and go make something new.

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