Big Sale

Big SaleBig Sale
©2005 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Big Sale could have also been called Bi Sa. Less fun or more. I know I have wanted to sell the Bi for many years now.

It’s a strange photo, that is both amusing and weird. It takes a moment and then you see the joke. Then you wonder what is really going on.

Oddly, I took the photograph and still don’t know. Never even went to see if they were taking a piss or jerking it. I just snapped and ran.

New York City is like that. Sometimes you are so visually overwhelmed that you can only take a second to see something horrific. Then you quickly move on.

You can’t linger. Some of the ideas you come across are like black holes. If you get to close, you could be pulled in and lost forever.

This person could have been having sex or applying a new face to cover their reptile visage. They could have been a cotton candy vampire who would have to kill me if they knew that I knew the truth. Maybe they were just making a phone call, but it could have been to JFK, so more danger. Just keep moving.

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