Black Pressed

Black PressedBlack Pressed
©1989 Craig Ashby
18” x 24”
Copy Art

Black Pressed is more of pressed. This time just resulting in two over printed black flowers. Two flowers and stereoscopic black grit that could almost be 3D.

Plans for those two four day weekends in the end of January includes some time at the FedEx with a photocopier. And some more scan work. Just some devotion to see where these processes would take me now.

Maybe more large format pieces like these. Some smaller ones too. Some prints of digital files. But mostly no goal exploration.

I must say I hate planning to do my work on scheduled vacations. It irritates me beyond belief. The thought of constantly forcing what I want to do around what pays my rent is infuriating.

I honestly don’t buy into the American Dream. It seems more like all the other mind control lies we are sold. Did my mother really risk her life giving birth to me so that I could work everyday till I am old and useless? All for what?

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