Collagraph 2

Collagraph 02Collagraph 2
©1989 Craig Ashby

Collagraph 2 is a boring bit ultimately ruined by The Cure squiggle. I love the dark bits and the brushed background. I post it as a reminder to avoid certain clichés.

I actually need to come up with a list of ideas to avoid. Models for a bit. Celebrities for an equal bit. Overt magical symbols. Most things pop unless it is to make an important and savage statement.

No unicursal hexagrams or pentagrams for some time. It’s time to move on. The symbols in Picabia’s Portrait of a Doctor is what is needed.

When I mentioned earlier that my pieces need a comparison piece to stand against, this is the piece I was thinking of. The work needs the true occult. Truly hidden.

Not working in the realm of known symbology but tapping into some other hidden set. A set stolen from dreams and daydreams. Like Picabia’s piece they should evoke sex and Cobras simultaneously. Nothing too obvious because they should be open to vast interpretations. The theme is dream.

I really should try to replicate that piece in my own style. A take off on master copying. I guess we will all see what form it takes.

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