Collagraph 3

Collagraph 03Collagraph 3
©1989 Craig Ashby

Collagraph 3 sees more black blobness from the same wavy plate. At least it looks like water, kind of. It was probably a failure in me that these didn’t go so well.

I do remember dropping this course after he first couple of weeks. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested. It was just the professor seemed to dislike me from the start.

This happened all too frequently through school. A teacher would bring their own prejudice to the table immediately providing your further education an endgame based on whether they liked you on first sight.

Sometimes if the person was of any interest I would jump through the hoops in order to gain favor. Frequently though my punk rock soul would rear its ugly head. Fuck you and your snap judgement was my response.

Frequently the professor/artist exhibited questionable work. Bad and sappy textiles or pencil drawings of Judeo Christian angels and I was out from under their oppressive thumbs. I just didn’t respect them enough to give a fuck about their opinion.

This started in high school when one teacher would always try to alienate me. After much of this bullshit I called her a bitch to her face and made her cry. By then I knew these people weren’t even trying to protect me from the intense physical bullying, so why take their mental bullying.

What I learned from this still sticks me with to this day. Don’t fight laterally. Always fight up. Fuck people who think they have any power over me. I barely have any control over me. What makes you think you could?

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