Collagraph 6

Collagraph 06Collagraph 6
©1989 Craig Ashby

Collagraph 6 is the final return to cliche of this series. Another cheesecloth expedition to nowhere. At least the textures are good.

So where to begin on mature work. I keep thinking about it. It is constantly in the forefront of my mind.

I just watched Dark Star. The documentary on H. R. Giger. Oddly I watched it the same night that my post Dark Star went up. More synchronicity?

I was overwhelmed by the amount of work that he had. So much more than I have. The documentary itself was depressing and as I reflected on my own work it doubled that feeling.

But then I come here and see that I am just showing about a third. Carefully cultivated to inspire me. Thoughtfully chosen so I can share and take a look at what I have done.

But what should I do next is the biggest question. How can I move on to that elusive mature work that I really need? I would be dishonest if I didn’t say it was rattling me a bit.

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