Cruel Joke

Cruel Joke
Cruel Joke
©1989 Craig Ashby
11.5” x 8.5”
Copy Art

Cruel Joke is just that. An altered photocopy of my involvement in slut shaming someone whose name I can’t even remember. Standing in a group of people whose names I also don’t remember.

Hell I don’t even remember doing this piece but it is in my portfolio so I am taking ownership. Ownership of the piece and the shitty person inside of me.

This isn’t the first time I have done this. One time in class I tied good friend Anna Tyler’s dress ties to her chair. Making her drag the chair with her when she got up.

I did it to impress a group of people who were intimidated by her intelligence and her lack of giving a fuck about bad current fashion trends. I did it to throw the scent off me and the constant homophobic attacks by the same people. I regret it to this day.

A lot of people think that evil is demonic but it is mimetic. It’s a mental virus we pass around usually to throw people off our own problems.

It is not from some unknown place. Some hidden force you can give all the credit for you being a shitty person. Just own it. I have been shitty and apologize for carrying on this hideous tradition.

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