Empty Retail 15

Empty Retail 15Empty Retail 15
©2010 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Empty Retail 15 is a vast expanse of empty retail space. Blasting lights and more 3D generation. See the tiling of repetitive pattern on the floor?

Goodness, I am at work and not smoking. I feel almost drunk with the shakes. It isn’t that bad but I do feel outside of myself.

The inside of my head, behind my eyes, is like a mouse hole filled with steel wool. Scratchy and vibrating like contact mikes on sandpaper. But it isn’t that bad overall.

My withdrawal is marginal and I feel pretty confident. I really need to stop and learn how to manage stress another way. Plus I don’t need to check out like my parents.

It’s funny when you get old enough that the will to live kicks in. For most of my family the will kicked in too late for it to help them. Here is hoping that it isn’t too late for me.

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