Exquisite Corpse 04

Exquisite Corpse 04Exquisite Corpse 04
©1993 Laura Farrow and Craig Ashby
3″ x 5″
Pen and Ink

Exquisite Corpse 04 Shows more penile obsession and adolescent silliness. Mostly on my part. Laura nails her part of the bargain.

Working at the National AIDS Hotline was a great experience. Although the company that had the contract, ASHA, American Social Health Association, was kind of ridiculous.

The whole thing was ridiculous but I have to give it to them, I was the most socially healthy I have ever been. In spite of the two organizations.

I have gone into great detail the layered homophobia of working for the Centers for Disease Control. Their lack of gay positivity was nearly at Vatican levels.

It didn’t help that ASHA, the contracted parent company, had wealthy heads who kept us all in veal fattening pens of part time slavery.

This kept anyone in my similar position unable to attain insurance. Ironic considering the name. I have bitched about this before so time to let it go.

I should be happy with the social health I experienced there. It was like Governor’s School Part 2, the grown up Gen X edition.

I really need another iteration of this in my life right now. Just need to find the proper group.

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