Exquisite Corpse 10

Exquisite Corpse 10Exquisite Corpse 10
©1993 Laura Farrow and Craig Ashby
3″ x 5″
Pen and Ink

Exquisite Corpse 10 is more insanity. Every time I say it gets weirder than the last, it does. Curioser and curioser.

Laura is in charge of the beautiful top and bottom renderings. I am center just pulling a third of my weight. She carries this one into high weirdness.

This past week I had someone ask to see my website at work. A strange moment where you notice that someone is sniffing around you. So I showed them.

Initially I worried. What is up on the front page today? It is moving so quickly I sometimes forget. My first worry was how many penises are on the front page?

Then I moved quickly to the usual who fucking cares. Don’t sniff around if you don’t want to know. Classic punk mentality.

Then the weirdest questions started. Do you sell? No! Why not? Because I have issues with letting things go. Issues Freud would have a lot to say about.

But then the person showed me image after image of things they liked. Hitting on several personal favorites. I glowed.

Then the next obvious question. Are these digital? No those are all actual pieces. I mean the scans are digital. Really they asked. Really.

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