Fashion Weak 08

Fashion Weak 8Fashion Weak 08
©2015 Craig Ashby
Digital Art

So here is the end of this style of Fashion Weak. I have other goodies but this is the end of the run for this look.

I don’t know what I will call the next set. Maybe keep the same title. I just have to find them first.

Which brings me back to the idea of order. Better organization. Order will allow me better access to my materials. Allowing me to produce things without losing the moment.

So what do I have coming up on this site. Probably more inappropriate bits. Some nudes. Just so I can wreck the idea of NSFW. Barf on that acronym and idea.

Then there is the Icon set which I am working on today. An adolescent idea turned inside out. It started as a grid lined composition book. I then collected fruit stickers and covered it over several months.

Now I am creating bitmap images of people I look up to. All fourteen of the beginning pieces are musicians and women. They will be childish in the sense that I am creating a high school sticker notebook. But the inspiration I draw from these women is very serious.

It’s a project of love. Eventually men will make their way in. I just have to start with my ladies first.

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