Fashion Weak 12

Fashion Weak 12Fashion Weak 12
©2015 Craig Ashby
8.5″ x 11″
Inkjet Print

Fashion Weak 12 sees grids of face shots. Probably for a nail company I did work for. It also sees dramatic drips and smears.

The angle of the smears saves it. It’s so mechanical and gorgeous. So are the faces. So perfect.

I haven’t been in the drip artist camp for years. Recently a Facebook friend posted pictures of an art show he liked. Every image was a fiesta of paint drips.

The technique was so overused that it bordered on super cool. As someone who has always been uncool, I mean that it was super cool in the worst possible way.

It was asinine and thoughtless. Maybe it is generational and he felt connected to some truth in those drips. I just saw it as a double waste of paint and possibility.

Trite in its baroque excess I lashed out in the comments. Maybe it was a spark of jealousy. Maybe it was that here was this person who never had anything to say about the shit I was doing posting this too cool drivel.

All I could muster in the comment was a blistering and acidic single line. “Needs more paint drips.”

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