FFXIV Nico 26

Nicolas-Ghesquiere-03_22_2014-04_39_21FFXIV Nico 26
©2014 Craig Ashby
Screen Capture

FFXIV Nico 26 is a lovely shot of an Elezen white mage down in Costa del Sol. He was AFK so I just zoomed and and took a bunch of shots. AFK stands for away from keyboard.

He is giving me a great character design. His outfit nicely laid out against the choice he made. It is a nice movement of light and dark.

I do think sometimes the design teams at Square Enix are too fussy in their design approach. They would be the G Star of fashion. Way too many bells and whistles.

Which is odd because of fashion’s homage to this franchise. You would think that I would have gotten that Issey Miyake hoody glamour by now. The influence apparently is only unidirectional.

It also is the user base. In years of playing maybe three people understood my nick. It was the wrong demographic. So how are you going to sell that audience Balenciaga glamours when the audience doesn’t even know what that means?

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