
©2015 Craig Ashby
7.5″ x 10″
Digital Photograph

Fit is one of the last pictures taken on my old phone. Actually taken the day I went to get a new phone at the Apple Store. The day I learned a lot about both my phone carrier and Apple.

Basically the upgrade option for my phone was only available via the AT&T website. None of this was told to us by either company. So I get in line, wait forever and then I am smugly turned down by a slack jawed, eye rolling genius.

The moment was so disheartening I almost stormed off. It wasn’t until I took a deep breath said no thank you and left to go look at cases.

There we met an honest sales associate that explained that the upgrade program is an idea of the past. Leasing will be the way of the future. This isn’t the best option because you will never own anything again.

It was just her candor and kind eyes that put it all in place for me.  You don’t need to own it because once it is over its age of usefulness it is worthless. How better for them to make money?

But at the same time I was angry that they had me. That they knew it and I did too. That I was knowingly participating in their wasteful and ridiculous scheme.

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