J-LoLV Fail

J-LoLV FailJ-LoLV Fail
©2010 Craig Ashby
Mixed media on masonite.
7″ x 7″

J-LoLV Fail is an epic failure. Too dark to ever be saved. The color scheme never had a chance to achieve the subtlety of the winners. See both J-LoLV1 and 3 for examples.

It’s a disheartening moment when this happens. Like photography, you hope to get as many good pieces as possible, but it doesn’t always work out like that. And just like photography, it’s judicial editing that makes sets stronger.

Sometimes when posting sets from this website on other sites like deviantart I will even edit more harshly. Giving just the very best of a set. This also allows for content to be present here that is not present elsewhere.

I have started to realize that posting these is educational. An experiment in understanding the highs and lows of the work that I have done. More importantly it is helping me reframe what are highs and lows.

Showing the failures and embarrassing moments takes some of the pressure off. It allows clarity and gives me side by side comparison.

Just click and scroll.  The work as a whole has an amazing unity across time and mediums. It shows my eye and hand for better or worse.

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