Julia Postcard 3

Julia Postcard 3Julia Postcard 3
©1987 Craig Ashby
6″ x 4″
Pen and Ink

Julia Postcard 3 shows that I was obviously bottle fed. Boobs don’t usually work like that unless a plastic surgeon is involved. Even then the shape is really wrong.

Plus the pose must have been nightmarish to hold. Both arms quivering. Back completely sweating for release.

I still love the brush work. And that yellowed swath from the adhesive is a nice touch. All good and balanced and brushy.

I definitely need to do more ink work. Especially with my skills in a better place. I thin it could be fantastic.

When I went recently to get watercolor I took a moment to peruse the inks. But I feel stuck and didn’t want to gorge buy things I don’t have a plan for. Just stick to what I need.

Soon enough I will be back to creating. Let me just save the money until I need it. Rather than participate in American over shopping and then experience the subsequent buyer’s remorse.

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