Liz Extra 1

Liz Positive_0000_Layer 7 Liz Positive_0001_Layer 6

Liz Positive_0002_Layer 5

Liz Positive_0003_Layer 4

Liz Positive_0004_Layer 2

Liz Positive_0005_Layer 3

Liz Positive_0006_Layer 1

Liz Positive_0007_Layer 0

Liz Extra 1
©2016 Craig Ashby
Mixed Media

Liz Extra 1 sees all the tiny bits of leftover cuts serving as a playground for the scanner. This particular piece is the positive portion of the cut. Meaning the actual image and not the background.

This particular cut was just in cardstock. I wanted to make a map of how the cut would layout to eliminate the potential disasters. It worked wonderfully.

When I pulled the piece from the adhesive cutting sheet I immediately wanted to play with the scanner and both images available. It was that wish I have been making for more experimentation.

There it was. It just appeared before me. So I started using the scarves that are near the scanner. Easy stuff. Especially considering it is just like playing with things when you were a kid.

The results are delightful and childlike. I like this set less than the next one but it all works. It’s all work. And I am back in the beautiful grind.

Next up are the negative pieces of this series. I am always hearing people go on and on about being positive. Mainly because they are stupid. Tomorrow they will see the real power of negative.

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