©2013 Craig Ashby
7.75” x 9.375”

Twenty-second in the MAZE Series comes up with Roger Federer, squirrels, fur and rock climbing. Don’t ask me how any of these relate to one another. I think the association is purely textural and color based.

Roger Federer appears only because I once saw him at the US Open. I can’t believe I just typed that. I guess I had a momentary crush that leaves some residual adoration. He is extremely magnetic and charming.

MAZE22 is a decent piece. MAZE22-1 obscures the face wonderfully. A magical mask that remixes his face.

MAZE22-2 is a bit of a failure. The image is from National Geographic. A photographer who documents wildlife that has taken over abandoned homes in the Ukraine. It’s a sweet image of a squirrel looking out the window. It’s so cartoonish and such a set piece the only thing that was missing was a prop stylist with perfect acorns. It’s totally lost in the cut up.

The fur in MAZE22-3 is a bit oppressive. But not nearly as overwhelming as the giant white cross that centers each of the MAZE Series. I am beginning to notice it more and more. It bothers me. It burns my eyes.

I know now that I won’t return to this format for quite some time. Never say never, but these were so difficult I want to say never.


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