©2013 Craig Ashby
3.625” x 4.375”

Number 4 in the MAZEXTRA Series sees black, white and red and strange lightning bolt knee joints. Like Aladdin Sane meets the legs of a satyr.

On the whole I love this one. Maybe not as much as the previous piece. It’s a good piece that visually stimulates and makes me think of the ZZ Top logo. Overall silly good stuff.

This makes three mostly in black and white. Which helps the negative space control the composition. Which is compelling.

I spoke earlier about the war between foreground and background which is essential to my work. Here is a piece where the composition is controlled by negative space. It provides all the work for the eye. The imagery is more of a truncated puzzle with no solution. Emptiness is the key.

Writing about these has given me many ideas about pieces that aren’t affixed to anything. Laces cut into imagery. Layered laces of the same or different images. It could be fun. But how to show the pieces and the depth?

I always over think ideas like this. Building complex framing units that I would have to get someone to custom fabricate. I never know if I should be pursuing ideas like that.

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