Orange and Gray

Orange and Gray 01

Orange and Gray 02

Orange and Gray
©2006 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Orange and Gray is a self explanatory title. Most of my titles are obvious. I think it more honest and less pretentious.

I could go the Fiona Apple or Alejandro Inarritu route. Giving my pieces lengthy names. And I would if I didn’t abhor it so.

I bring up Inarritu because we are going to The Revenant this weekend. I hope it is better than Birdman. What wouldn’t be?

It was my least favorite film last year. Saved only by the beauty of Emma Stone. High praise from someone so politically gay.

The title and soundtrack give me hope. Briefness in name and Sakamoto and Noto on board. At least if the movie is bad I can focus on that.

Or I can just lovingly gaze at our house’s current heartthrob Tom Hardy. That should get me through even the most pretentious of events. Although I vividly remember Birdman and wonder.

Most movies that are up for awards make me queasy. After reading Marlene Dietrich’s opinion of the Academy Awards I can’t unknow it. She’s right. It’s mostly shit.

It’s sad that a group of people who have everything gather to pat each other on the back. Hey, great job man. You did great work this year.

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