Polaroids 7

Set seven in the Polaroids series is the same set up as set six. Portraits and self-portraits shot on Polaroid from video on television. Easy enough.

This time I actually get one guy not counting myself. Brandon’s reaction is priceless. It’s a camera not a flaming hot poker. It conjures so many images but really only reflects me.

Daughtry makes an appearance. A friend of Holly who was a co-worker at the National AIDS Hotline. Holly was the girl that my then roommate John Bell was really into at the time. She was so cool and had a band in Chapel Hill and all that.

Daughtry was her really beautiful friend. Oddly Holly never posed for me. I think the fact that I was John’s roommate meant she stayed clear. I think it was the uncoolness of John’s band that caused this. Nothing hurts a Chapel Hill band like the rub off of uncool.

Lisa and her sister Danielle also make an appearance. Lisa being another Hotline co-worker who I am still friends with via Facebook. We sometimes click like on each other’s posts. I wrote that while cringing.

Her sister was actually in a good band called The Julie Ribbons. I like how the composition is chopped by the eye level horizon line. It’s lovely and frames everything nicely.

There are pictures of me with more makeup on than you can find in a single Sephora. I love these images. My only complaint is that the shadows from my eyebrows make the lines look uneven. Harsh lighting on harsh makeup. Still lovely though.

The best in the set are of Charisse’s gigantic smile. The fact that whatever we were talking about could illicit that smile mesmerizes me. What were we talking about, Charisse? I guess I may never know. But I got some great pictures out of you!

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