
©1989 Craig Ashby
18” x 24”
Copy Art

Pressed is more Governor’s School by way of that newspaper job. Essentially taking a pressed flower I still have to this day and working with it on a large format photocopier. There are a few of these coming up in the near future.

Yesterday I started work on some experimental pieces. Attempts to figure out something new. Right now it is taking the form of attempting to bleach magazine pages. It didn’t go so well.

I started last night after a run to Blick’s. I took advantage of the holiday sale and got some watercolor markers. I left with the primary and grayscale kits.

I think it would be a good idea to play with the ideas before committing to the Superglue project. Just good off and see what comes up. Trying not to force anything.

More importantly, I need to blow off some steam and see if my unconscious mind bears fruit. See what I can create and compare it to the work I have done. I really need to jar my mind and start thinking about possibilities differently.

In the past I have kept these ideas in a folder called NO. Standing for non-objective. Maybe I should change the new folder to NA for No Agenda.

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