©2009-2010 Craig Ashby
5.5” x 6.5”

Fifth in the RHS, Restless Hand Series, shows the edges of the craft scissors best. Flesh tones from a beauty shot paired with a purple editorial layout offers intense contrast. Contrast that shows off the scalloped grid nicely.

First thing of importance is how the flesh tone beauty shot rules. It takes some time for my eye to pick the black bob model out of the purple intensity. It fights your eye to stay invisible.

Patina plays a huge role again. The Mod Podge  distorted by plastic wrap crazed into finger prints and icicle crystal latticework. Tears in the surface of the actual piece reveal the hidden bits underneath. While wrinkles take on water damage from the finish that cause black fissures in the piece itself.

At the time I was working on the PR-RAW series I would put these pieces up on the shelf for viewing. Although Ernie didn’t like them as much, I was and am still quite fond. They are playful, innocent and completely my own.

This is a favorite. A lot of great imagery. Chopped advertising text. Ages Rig Wri Ist. And a great organic patina. That’s enough checks for my checklist.

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