
Rope 2

Rope 1

©2008 Craig Ashby
Digital Photograph

Rope is just a pile of that synthetic rope filthy from streets of New York. Threaded slightly with black and blue. Frayed edges and unraveling shows the brightness of its former white.

It’s a mess. It shows that even the most synthetic brightness can dirty here. Nothing will stop it. There is nowhere safe for anything in the city of filth.

I write this while waiting to see The Revenant. Oddly it is the same day that David Bowie died. A strange day indeed.

I didn’t even mention it on Facebook because as I have said before I consider it tacky. Instead we just celebrated him the entire day. Listening to nothing but his music. Just listening randomly most of the time, guiding at other moments.

Really pondering what he was and meant. From my perspective there are whole realities that would never have existed without him. Other people who wouldn’t even have a career without copying his formidable body of work.

I only write this knowing it will be some time before it is published. It gives it an opportunity to breathe while not seeming too opportunistic. It would be so sad to reduce someone so great to just a Deathbook post.

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