Rorschach 04

Rorschach 04Rorschach 04
© 1987 Craig Ashby
9″ x 12″

Rorschach 04 is a gruesome spatter of a piece. All blood red and asymmetrical. I see a badger.

The chat today isn’t about badgers but about not looking my age. It is something that is brought up several times a week. OMG I thought you were like thirty.

At first it appeals to your ego. This was in the early years of this reaction. Wow, I do look good for my age. What a great accomplishment choosing such great genes. Did I tell you my eye color is blue?

Then as the years roll on it becomes more of a bore. Harder and harder to accept the compliment with grace. It has now become an opportunity to overstate with total strangers.

As I was carded today before work the cashier actually did the math. Slow additive math that resulted in a mudslide of numbers piling up. She actually said bless God that I look so good.

Yeah I said. But it’s actually a curse too. Basically it allows a lot of people including coworkers and customers alike to talk down to me like I am a moron. A blessing and a curse.

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