The Son 07

The Son 04The Son 07
©1989 Craig Ashby
4.25″ x 8″
Pen and Ink

The Son by Rochelle Ratner

They say most men marry someone like their mother.
Well, what girl would I want now,
which childhood sweetheart
will fill all my needs?

The Son 07 doesn’t really need that zero. I wonder if I changed that on the first six posts. This post a day is moving so quickly it is hard to keep track.

It’s not just the post a day that is moving too fast. Time itself seems to have sped up. Except when I am at work. Then all too frequently it slows down to a snails pace.

These past two weekends I have done little other than rest. I need it but it nags me that I haven’t worked on anything. Not even a crummy to do list.

This then sets me up for going to work feeling unfulfilled. Which then encourages feelings of disorientation and restlessness. It is the most vicious cycles I have ever experienced.

In the end the choice is hopelessness or exhaustion. Obviously I would choose exhaustion but it is just the lesser of two evils. What I need is a better set of choices. Maybe hope can replace hopelessness.

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