You’ll Go Blind

You’ll Go Blind
©1989 Craig Ashby
11″ x 13″
Mixed Media

You’ll Go Blind is a piece from the golden age of college. A leftover from LSD and appropriation. Safe at any speed.

This was mostly mockery of Thomas Malic. He was such a Puritan. He always thought I was too obnoxious, and I am.

But honestly I don’t give fuck. For example, for the longest time this was a defense mechanism but I said it for so long it became true.

I honestly thought about it for years. Thinking about the world and how it thinks about me. When I realized it gave less than a fuck about me it was cemented.

Until about six or seven years ago I would have moments of doubt. Maybe those Christians are right. Maybe Gaga fans are right. Maybe I am wrong.

Then it all became crystal clear. I only have my path and experience on this planet. This is my life. This is my truth. Fuck everything else.

That is why I did this year. Fuck your approval or likes. Fuck everything but me. Fuck the world, I rule!

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